The Importance and Benefits of Email Marketing

With the Internet spreading its wings so rapidly over the years, it is only a matter of time before everyone in the world is connected. It has become the main medium for carrying information and it has surpassed its competition in more than one way. It is only natural that, for this reason, many businesses (mostly successful ones) have decided to replace the promotion and marketing over the physical mediums (such as TV and radio) for various types of online promotion.

There are a few ways in which you can promote online, as I mentioned in the last sentence. You can use the social networks towards your promotion (also known as the Social Media Marketing, or SMM). You can also hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consultant, who will work towards optimizing the search engines to make sure that your website comes out on top when searching certain keywords that are related to your business.

The third option is to promote your business via email, through various types of mailing lists. Here, I will talk about email promotion, since the first two are being greatly discussed nowadays and everyone seems to forget about the good old option of email marketing.

The importance of email marketing

Email marketing is important for many reasons. For example, it is important because it is highly adaptable. You can make the emails that you send to promote your business so that they suit any need that you might have. You can target many different social groups and adapt the content accordingly. Since the business world is constantly changing, you have to be able to respond quickly to any changes that the marketing experts present.

Also, another reason why this kind of marketing is important for any business and should not be ignored and forgotten is that it is very inexpensive. You can incorporate it into any kind of marketing plan that your business might have, without having any additional costs. This way, if you get anything from email marketing, you will, basically, get something for nothing. Creating profit, without spending any money, is something that every serious business will take into consideration.

Marketing plan for Email campaign

Benefits of email marketing

There are many benefits to promoting yourself via the email. This is why it is one of the most efficient promoting tools that you have in your arsenal. Here are a few of the benefits.


I have already mentioned this one in the previous paragraph, but this is something that has to be stressed. While many kinds of online promotion and marketing are cheap and do not require a lot of investments, email promotion is by far the cheapest of them all. All you need to do is hire someone to operate your mailing lists and you will have a full marketing campaign at your disposal. Just make sure that you hire someone who knows how to do this in an organized fashion. You can start for $1 initially with Aweber marketing tool.

The possibility of reaching anyone in the world

Since the Internet knows no borders, it is clear that your email campaign can reach anyone in the world, if targeted correctly. If your business has tendencies to operate around the world, this is the perfect tool. Besides, who in the world would not like to expand their business worldwide, if they have the chance to do it? If you are using platform like WordPress, there are many Email marketing plugins out there, which  will help you to capture Emails from your readers quickly and smart ways.

The effects are easily measured

With some means of marketing, you can never be certain whether the money you have invested is paying off. However, with this kind of marketing, you can easily measure how much effect has the campaign had. There are various tools on the Internet that can help you with this. For example, you can measure the click-through rate and also see how your customers arrived to your website. This way, you can easily decide whether email marketing is paying off or not.

Also, here is a handy slide which shows top 7 metrics you should measure with an Email campaign:

Easy to use

It is very easy to run an email marketing campaign. It takes no real effort to run it seamlessly, and, if you carry it out well, the receivers of your emails will have no hard time checking what you have to offer. This way, it is a win-win situation for both your business and your potential customers.

So, to sum up, even though email marketing is being largely ignored lately, because there are other, flashier, ways to promote your business online, it should never be underestimated. There are many reasons for sticking to this this tested and tried marketing method, as running a well organized email marketing campaign will help your business’ cause in more than one way. As I mentioned before, just make sure that you hire a right person for the job and your business will certainly reach new heights.

Do let me know how you are using your Email marketing campaign, and what additional advantages you have noticed with Email marketing? Don’t forget to share this article on Google plus and Twitter.

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